Magazines, articles and even the internet is full of posts about mindfulness meditation and how it’s beneficial. But what is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention while in the present moment. This is done intentionally and with no judgement. Mindfulness meditation is regulating your attention deliberately. This is done through observation of your emotions, thoughts, and overall body state.

It is a way to truly experiences the present moment and how to assimilate this new awareness into your daily life. Training in this moment of consciousness is done through mindfulness meditation. This will allow you to build your mindfulness so that you can apply it to your daily life. This can mean no being chained down to reactive feelings or thoughts and will help in many situations.

How Mindfulness Meditation Can Improve Your Life - Sebastian Bosca

Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation

The practice of mindfulness meditation and mindfulness has been part of human life for centuries. Its benefits have seen a rise in not just a person’s private life, but professional life as well. As it changes the wiring and makeup of your brain, the benefits become even clearer, the more you practice it. What are these benefits:

How Mindfulness Can Help with Stress

Though stress is a natural part of life, you don’t want it to pile up and weigh you down. Mindfulness can help reduce your stress levels, so they have a reduced impact on your happiness and well-being.

Steps in practising mindfulness meditation

Practising mindfulness meditation helps you add space between you and your reactions. This breaks down your conditioned responses. Here are some steps to help you practice mindfulness.

Practising mindfulness comes with many benefits. While it may be hard to focus at first, be kind to yourself. The more you practice, the more benefits you’ll reap.

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