Anxiety and the Cost of Living Crisis

The cost of living crisis has become a significant issue for many individuals, with rising costs of living, stagnating wages, and increasing debt. The financial strain can be challenging to manage, leading to stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. However, CBT and Psychodynamic Therapy can help individuals manage their anxiety and cope with the impact of financial stress on everyday life.
How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Life — Practical Steps to Practising Mindfulness Meditation

The practice of mindfulness meditation and mindfulness has been part of human life for centuries. Its benefits have seen a rise in not just a person’s private life, but professional life as well. As it changes the wiring and makeup of your brain, the benefits become even clearer, the more you practice it. What are these benefits:
Why it can be hard to get a good night’s rest and how to improve your sleep

Whether anecdotal or through proven scientific research, it’s clear we need good sleep, and there are lots of great way you can improve your sleep.
7 Things You Can Do to Avoid Coronavirus Social Distancing Depression

As the coronavirus spreads around the world and governments including the United Kingdom weigh more-restrictive measures to keep people at home, it could be a stressful time if you’re suffering from depression and believe that social distancing will make that worse.
How to cope with anxiety living in London

Living with anxiety is like being trapped in your own mind. It makes people feel tense, nervous, fearful and in constant dread. There are different kinds of anxiety such as social anxiety and general anxiety disorder, so it can manifest in people in various ways.
Discover 5 ways CBT can help with anxiety & depression

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is a therapy technique that aims to improve mental health by improving thought patterns. It focuses on changing destructive cognitive thought processes and behaviours.
The connection between anxiety and neuroplasticity

Anxiety is something we all deal with from time to time. In an era where we are overstimulated with images, sounds and technology it is quite hard for your brain to be able to focus on everything.
Sometimes, this can create a sense of disconnection which in turn triggers a feeling on unease.
Trauma recovery

Trauma disrupts the body’s natural equilibrium. The person that suffered a traumatic event gets stuck in a state of hyper-arousal and fear. Mainly, their nervous system gets stuck. What most professionals suggest is exercise and movement because these 2 actually help with the release of endorphin as well as ‘burning off’ adrenaline which can help […]

Trauma is the result of stressful events that causes people to lose their sense of security, making them feel helpless and lost, not able to function properly, as they used to before the traumatic event took place. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but a situation doesn’t need to involve physical harm […]

We all use denial as a defence mechanism and on a short term it does work. It helps us postpone different emotions, even try to bury them. It gives us a false impression that we don’t have to attend to what is going on, we can just put it aside and hopefully it will go […]