Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression can take hold of your life and make you feel like there’s no escape. It impacts how you feel, think and act. From severe low moods to the inability to function in certain situations (such as at work or social events), it is a serious medical illness that needs treating. Read more to find out how counselling and psychotherapy can help.

How to deal with low mood

Sebastian Bosca Depression Low Mood Therapy London

We all experience periods of low mood in our lifetime and feel sad sometimes about things that have happened. For some of us these moments don’t last for long and are manageable, but for
others these periods can become prolonged and can affect our day to day tasks and impair our functioning.

The connection between anxiety and neuroplasticity

Sebastian Bosca Depression Trauma Therapy London

Anxiety is something we all deal with from time to time. In an era where we are overstimulated with images, sounds and technology it is quite hard for your brain to be able to focus on everything.
Sometimes, this can create a sense of disconnection which in turn triggers a feeling on unease.

People with depression use language differently – here’s how to spot it

People with depression use language differently – here’s how to spot it 1

From the way you move and sleep, to how you interact with people around you, depression changes just about everything. It is even noticeable in the way you speak and express yourself in writing. Sometimes this “language of depression” can have a powerful effect on others. Just consider the impact of the poetry and song lyrics of Sylvia Plath and Kurt Cobain, who both killed themselves after suffering from depression.

Trauma recovery

Trauma recovery 2

Trauma disrupts the body’s natural equilibrium. The person that suffered a traumatic event gets stuck in a state of hyper-arousal and fear. Mainly, their nervous system gets stuck. What most professionals suggest is exercise and movement because these 2 actually help with the release of endorphin as well as ‘burning off’ adrenaline which can help […]

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety 3

Stress is a big topic these days, and one way or another we all feel stressed and anxious on many different levels. Stress and anxiety are interlinked, an it’s not uncommon to feel anxious when you make an important decision or when you’re faced with a problem at work, when you have a test at school or when something out of the ordinary happens and you become nervous.

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science 4

Steeping yourself in negativity has seriously terrible consequences for your mental and physical health. Why do people complain? Not to torture others with their negativity, surely. When most of us indulge in a bit of a moan, the idea is to “vent.” By getting our emotions out, we reason, we’ll feel better. But science suggests there […]