Stress management London: What you can do

Sebastian Bosca Counselling Therapy London

While living in London can be extraordinary, stress management in London can be a very difficult task for most of us. London is a city that many people cherish. However, the resulting city life can create a lot of stressful triggers that ultimately leads to ill mental health.

Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression therapy London: When should you seek help?

Depression can take hold of your life and make you feel like there’s no escape. It impacts how you feel, think and act. From severe low moods to the inability to function in certain situations (such as at work or social events), it is a serious medical illness that needs treating. Read more to find out how counselling and psychotherapy can help.

Who needs therapy?

Sebastian Bosca Counselling and Psychotherapy London

This is a question I’ve been asked so many times and there are variations of it that people use to check if they should go for therapy or not: “Do we all need therapy?”, “Do you think therapy will help and change my situation?”, “How long will it take for me to be better?” When […]

Ready for therapy?

Ready for therapy? 1

Have you ever thought that you have to be ready to go into therapy? It’s a big step and it’s also a process which takes time and effort to open up and sort things out. As easy as it may sound, it is not. Imagine you’ve done the same things over and over again. Now, […]

Coping Strategies For Anxiety

Sebastian Bosca Christian Counselling London

We talked last week about anxiety and the cycle of this disorder which gets stronger and stronger over time and it affects your social and work life. Most people with anxiety choose to avoid situations or people that might trigger their anxiety, and in doing so they only reinforce that cycle because next time it […]

Restructuring Our Inner World

Restructuring Our Inner World 5

I am reflecting today upon the great influence our families have on us and on our development. We become a part of a system and the first thing we do is observe how things are done. We are not able to make any decisions in the beginning because we’re being taken care of, but we do get […]