The Journey Called Life

The Journey Called Life 1

What a great journey it is! I discover with each client a new world, a hidden universe marked with pain and love, suffering and joy. Each individual has his/her unique journey. Though there are similarities, no journey is the same. Why? Because we are…

Growing Up vs. Growing Old

Growing Up vs. Growing Old 2

I came to a sad conclusion while I was holding a workshop these past few weeks: we all grow old, but not all of us grow up. It must be one of the saddest things, I think, to just see people grow old and not become wiser and more mature through time. It might sound […]

Reflecting On Life

Reflecting On Life 4

I was reflecting more this week about life and the purpose of it, and I’ve come to realize from my own point of view how important spirituality and faith really are. I will not take the time to mention all the studies out there that prove the fact that people who believe in a divine authority […]

Restructuring Our Inner World

Restructuring Our Inner World 6

I am reflecting today upon the great influence our families have on us and on our development. We become a part of a system and the first thing we do is observe how things are done. We are not able to make any decisions in the beginning because we’re being taken care of, but we do get […]


Learning 8

There is always something you can learn from everyone. No matter how good or bad it is, it’s still a lesson and it’s also a part of our nature as individuals to learn. I’ve found time and time again that working with people puts me in a situation where I have to meditate on my own behaviour, […]


Growing 10

Working with people and offering counselling definitely brings challenges to every therapist, in different ways, of course. Every person is different even though sometimes you do notice similarities between them. As a therapist I find myself, over and over again, feeling a mixture of emotions whenever clients come into the therapy room. I am happy […]


Sebastian Bosca Life Difficulties Trauma Therapy London

Uncertainty. It has always been a good topic regardless of the fact it’s expressed in a therapy room or in your day to day life. In my opinion it is one of the most challenging subjects. As people, most of us are focused on the certainty of things and situations. Many of our efforts go […]