
Growing 1

Working with people and offering counselling definitely brings challenges to every therapist, in different ways, of course. Every person is different even though sometimes you do notice similarities between them. As a therapist I find myself, over and over again, feeling a mixture of emotions whenever clients come into the therapy room. I am happy […]

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science 3

Steeping yourself in negativity has seriously terrible consequences for your mental and physical health. Why do people complain? Not to torture others with their negativity, surely. When most of us indulge in a bit of a moan, the idea is to “vent.” By getting our emotions out, we reason, we’ll feel better. But science suggests there […]


Sebastian Bosca Life Difficulties Trauma Therapy London

Uncertainty. It has always been a good topic regardless of the fact it’s expressed in a therapy room or in your day to day life. In my opinion it is one of the most challenging subjects. As people, most of us are focused on the certainty of things and situations. Many of our efforts go […]

Mental Health

Sebastian Bosca Stress Counselling London

Mental health is becoming on of the most discussed topics around the world because of its impact on people’s lives. It’s only in the last years that people have come to realize how important mental health is and how much it influences your performance at work, family life and how satisfied you are with yourself. […]

Parents And Their Influence In Our Lives

Parents And Their Influence In Our Lives 7

We grow up in different types of families and environments, surrounded by people that have had their own experiences growing up. Some, if not all of them, carry scars, wounds, traumas or some sort of painful experiences that have impacted their life journey and influenced where they are now. All the positive thinking in the […]

Thoughts: What’s going on?

Thoughts: What's going on? 9

So many thoughts go through our mind every day. It has been estimated by professionals that our brain produces between 12,000 and 50,000 thoughts per day, many of those thoughts being purely about past, obsessing about mistakes we have made, thoughts of guilt, or pure nonsense. Some of the scientists would argue and say that 70%-80% of […]

Change: Gain or Loss?

Change: Gain or Loss? 11

There are so many perspectives when it comes to discussing pain, the main theme throughout all these different perspectives almost always being the negative aspect of pain. Why is that? I believe it is because pain causes hurt, grief, damage and also… change. Stephen Grosz, a psychoanalyst, said: You cannot have change without loss. They […]

How We Connect Through Stories

How We Connect Through Stories 13

We all have a story to tell — at least one. This story can be shared through words, through behaviour, or through our very own presence. It’s interesting how sharing thoughts and feelings with someone can immediately connect you to a completely new world, different from yours, with new perspectives and new insights on life […]