Sleep Research Uncovers Dire Consequences To Deprivation

Sleep Research Uncovers Dire Consequences To Deprivation 2

Researchers at Michigan State University conducted the largest experimentally controlled study on sleep deprivation to date, revealing just how detrimental operating without sleep can be in everything from bakers adding too much salt to cookies to surgeons botching surgeries.

Scientists Uncover Why You Can’t Decide What to Order for Lunch

Scientists Uncover Why You Can't Decide What to Order for Lunch 3

Researchers explore the choice overload effect, a phenomenon that hampers the brain’s ability to make a decision when there are too many options. A study conducted in California nearly 20 years ago is illustrative of the effect. In that study, researchers set up a table offering different samples of jams in a grocery store.


Perception 4

Everything that happens to us in life is perceived and interpreted a certain way. That frame through which we analyse the world and give it a certain meaning is developed through our life experiences starting when we are little. We also learn and strengthen these thinking patterns through interactions with people and especially with our parents or carers in early childhood…

Defense mechanisms

Defense mechanisms 5

We all use them to a certain extent, from simple ones such as as rationalising and denial, to more complex ones such as control and idealization. But what are defense mechanisms?

The Journey Called Life

The Journey Called Life 6

What a great journey it is! I discover with each client a new world, a hidden universe marked with pain and love, suffering and joy. Each individual has his/her unique journey. Though there are similarities, no journey is the same. Why? Because we are…


Different 7

Being different hasn’t been valued as much as it is in today’s culture. In most of modern/western cultures being different is actually a good attribute of displaying your persona and catching people’s eyes. No matter how this different looks like, the more intriguing and extravagant, the more it catches your attention. The concern which may […]


Trauma 8

Trauma is the result of stressful events that causes people to lose their sense of security, making them feel helpless and lost, not able to function properly, as they used to before the traumatic event took place. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but a situation doesn’t need to involve physical harm […]

False Certainty

False Certainty 11

It’s interesting how we develop this false certainty in life that we are immune to things such as diseases, accidents, dying… and the list could go on. If I asked people they would say, of course we are not immune — but still most of us live under that false certainty umbrella, some of us even […]


Denial 13

We all use denial as a defence mechanism and on a short term it does work. It helps us postpone different emotions, even try to bury them. It gives us a false impression that we don’t have to attend to what is going on, we can just put it aside and hopefully it will go […]